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Neroli Essential Oil

Neroli Essential Oil

Regular price $6.70 NZD
Regular price Sale price $6.70 NZD
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Neroli Essential Oil
(Citrus aurantium)

Neroli essential oil is both a sedative and overall tonic to the nervous system, and can be beneficial for most stress-related disorders of an emotional origin. The oil has been said to treat heart palpitations, relieve insomnia and reduce nervousness. Neroli's calming effect can be tried by deeply inhaling the aroma, rubbing a few drops on the solar plexus, diluting in Jojoba oil and wearing as a natural perfume, or diffusing in small amounts. Neroli is considered one of the most important aromatics for aromatherapy treatment for anxiety, and depression resulting from stress and anxiety.

Neroli is one of the premier oils for mature women's skin care (along with Rose Otto and Clary Sage). The relaxing properties are imparted on a cellular level, and the oil is especially beneficial for sensitive skin.Neroli oil is reputed to have a rejuvenating effect on the skin, as it has an ability to stimulate the growth of new and healthy cells".

Neroli oil not only smells exquisite, but can also relax and calm the nervous system, the digestive tract and is helpful in skin care.

Burners and vaporizers:
As vapor therapy, neroli oil is useful for insomnia, nervous tension, headaches, vertigo, depression, as well as anxiety and shock.

Blended massage oil or in the bath:
As a blended massage oil or diluted in the bath it helps with insomnia, headaches, neuralgia, nervous tension, heart palpitations, anxiety, depression, colitis, stomach upsets and diarrhea and for boosting the skin.
Cream or lotion:
When used in a cream or lotion is not only fights stretch marks and broken capillaries on the skin, but also prevents ugly scarring. Its action of stimulating cell growth and cellular activity helps it to rejuvenate and regenerate the skin.
Neroli oil blends well with

Although most essential oils blend well together, neroli oil blends particularly well with benzoin, geranium, jasmine, lavender, all the citrus oils, sandalwood, rosemary and ylang-ylang.

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