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EMU OIL 100% Pure

EMU OIL 100% Pure

Regular price $21.00 NZD
Regular price Sale price $21.00 NZD
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The ancient people of Australia have long known what the Western World is just beginning to realize in the last decade or so...Emu Oil can help ease pain, aching muscles, sore joints, swelling, inflammation, headache pain and various other problems. Just as the Aborigines have been using Emu Oil for thousands of years to combat these various ailments.

Pure Natural Emu Oil works wonders in the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles.

People who suffer from arthritis and eczema have been amazed at the healing benefits of Nature's Healing Wonder's pure, natural emu oil.

Studies have shown that Emu oil penetrates through several layers of the dermis and "feeds" the skin, helping it to become healthy, supple and vibrant.

Emu Oil naturally contains:

Vitamin E, a major antioxidant and healing agent; Vitamin A, a known skin repairer and antioxidant; Linoleic acid, which eases muscle aches and joint pain; @ 20% Oleic acid, a proven skin cell regenerator, anti-wrinkle agent Oleic acid is mono- unsaturated and which comprises over 40% of the total fatty acid contents. Sapogens, proven skin softeners; Terpines, known antiseptics. Alpha-linolenic acid. 1-2 %

Analysis of fatty acids in emu oil reveals that it contains approximately 70% unsaturated fatty acids.

The natural bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory and cell regeneration properties of Emu Oil help repair minor wounds quickly and with less scarring. These same qualities may also help reverse the effects of hair loss as well as certain chronic skin disorders.

Uses Include: Lessen pain and scarring related to burns and sunburns. Alleviate discomfort of eczema, psoriasis, diaper rash, heat rash and shingles. Reduce pain and infection from insect bites & stings. Assist in repair of skin damage, including scars, wrinkles and stretch marks. Plastic surgery scars. Stretch marks. Massage. Tattoos. Wrinkle reductio. Psoriasis and Exzema. Hairloss. Rosacea.

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