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Camphor Essential Oil

Camphor Essential Oil

Regular price $5.20 NZD
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Camphor oil (Cinnamomum camphora)

Camphor oil has a duel action of hot and cold, which has a balancing effect on the yin and yang energies. When first applied camphor oil numbs and cools the peripheral nerve endings, then warms the painful area as it stimulates circulation to cold, stiff muscles and limbs. This analgesic effect of camphor makes it a favorite oil to be used in pain relieving massage blends for sore muscles, low back pain, and arthritic pain.

Camphor also acts as an expectorant and a febrifuge, meaning that it cools fevers and helps clear lung congestion. Camphor is a very useful ingredient in inhalations for coughs, colds and difficulties in breathing. These actions, along with camphor's anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial properties make it a very useful and popular remedy for colds, flu, and bronchitis.

Camphor oil is a balancing oil, it can sedate the nerves and uplift apathy. It can help with feeling cold and reduces inflammation. It is used with great effect to repel insects such as flies and moths.

It also has a positive effect in colds and flu, infectious diseases, bronchitis, coughs, and can assist with muscular pains, rheumatism, sprains, arthritis etc.

Burners and vaporizers:
In vapor therapy camphor oil can be used with great effect for the heart, clearing the lungs and boosting circulation, as well as calming nervous diseases and for convalescence.

Cold compresses:
For bruises and sprains, cold compresses are effective.

In a cream:
Although very small amounts of camphor oil would be included in any formulation, it does have value in fighting inflammatory conditions and reducing redness, making it useful for treating acne, burns and sore chapped hands.

Camphor oil is very strong so please research well before using. Not during pregnancy.

Camphor oil blends well with

Although essential oils in general blend well together, camphor oil blends particularly well with the basil, cajuput, chamomile, lavender and melissa.
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