Purefx Benzoin ( benzoin styrax ) The warm balsamic fragrance of benzoin is familiar to a lot of people, and this ancient aromatic has been used in almost every culture around the world since records began in both incense and medicine. Its medicinal use throughout history is legendary and still remains in high regard within the world of perfumery and medicine. Benzoin resinoid makes a useful addition to blends for all types of circulatory and joint problems including poor circulation, arthritis and rheumatism where it imparts a warming and comforting effect. The expectorant properties of benzoin can be invaluable when used as an inhalation to treat respiratory conditions such as bronchitis, colds and flu. Use it in your vaporiser or a tissue with other expectorant essential oils such as eucalyptus, Due to its warm, creamy fragrance and cheering characteristics, benzoin is comforting if you feel anxious, stressed, tense, worried or lonely. Benzoin adds a pleasing base note to almost any of your home made blends. Burners and vaporizers: In vapor therapy Benzoin oil can be used for the nervous system, calming and bringing comfort to the depressed and emotionally exhausted. Blended massage oil or in the bath: Benzoin oil can be used in blended massage oil, or diluted in the bath to assist with general aches and pains, arthritis and rheumatism, as well as chronic bronchitis and coughing. Poor circulation will also benefit from this oil, as well as stiff muscles. It also has a calming effect and helps to ease depression. It furthermore gives the skin a general boost by increasing elasticity, reducing redness, irritation and itchiness, while helping wound healing. Blended in a cream: Benzoin oil is a good remedy for dry, cracked skin, cuts and wounds, as well as for acne and irritable and itching skin, while at the same time improving elasticity. Benzoin oil blends well with bergamot, coriander, frankincense, juniper, lavender, lemon, myrrh, orange, petitgrain, rose and sandalwood.