Home Made Bath Bombs
Solutions Online (NZ) LtdShare
What’s hotter than a bath? A bath with bombs! To soak away a stressful day, all you have to do is toss a bath bomb into your tub. It will set off a fizzy reaction that releases super-relaxing essential oils. Plus, they make great gifts! Pamper yourself (or your loved one) and make your own DIY bath bombs:
1. Gather your supplies. Ingredients for bath bombs vary depending on preference, but we like this recipe list makes 3-5 bombs depending on mold size
- 454gm. of baking soda
- 227gm. of Citric acid
- 227gm. of corn starch / cornflower
- 227gm. of Epsom salts (you can wizz them if they are to course)
- Approx 11/2 tsp. of water
- essential oil
- 2 tsp oil (we like almond or coconut oil)
- A few drops of coloring
- Round, plastic, or steel dome molds
- Whisk
- Bowl and cup for mixing
- Fluffy towel
Note: One of the best parts of making your own bath bombs is getting to choose the essential oils! You can go with floral scents like lavender or rosemary, or a citrus blend with lemon or grapefruit. Some other common essential oils used for bath bombs are peppermint, vanilla and chamomile.
2. Combine dry ingredients. Dump all of your dry ingredients (citric acid, corn starch, Epsom salts and baking soda) into a big bowl and stir together with your whisk.
3. Combine wet ingredients. Place all of your wet ingredients (water, essential oil, almond oil and food coloring) into a cup and stir until well mixed.
4. Mix together. Pour the wet ingredients into the bowl with the dry ingredients and stir them. (The mixture should begin to clump together.)
5. Pack mixture into molds. Grab your plastic mold and pack the mixture into the first half of the mold. Pack it as tightly as you can! Then, do the same with the second half.
6. Press together. Add some extra mixture on top of the second half and squeeze the molds together to create your sphere. Press firmly! Tip: If the mixture isn’t packing well, place the ingredients back in the bowl and add a tiny amount of water. Be careful, though – too much water will ruin your bath bomb!
7. Let dry. Wait a few secs, and then carefully remove the bath bomb from the mold. Place them on wax paper on top of a fluffy towel. Let the bath bombs dry for at least one day before you use them! If your bath bombs are a gift, wrap them in cellophane or tissue paper. To store them, keep them in a plastic, airtight container.